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Creative Joy Coaching & Consulting

The essence of love and truth

The unfolding of your original, divine light through the prism of the colors of the soul. Colors,
values and symbols are inner-soul portals to spiritual knowledge and information from higher dimensions of consciousness. To recognize and understand them is key to the feeling of being able to
act entirely from the power of one's authentic being. How to use these information fields in
a very concrete way, you can experience and discover in my coaching and consulting

Love, freedom, beauty, truth, abundance and wealth have all their origin in the depths of your own
heart and in your spiritual connection to divine source. Your SELF is the individual expression
of God through you...


Who wants to explore herself | himself deeply and is a real and true lover of the heart,
is right with me.

Take a seat in the flower of life, here with me you will find:

  • A place for contemplation with yourself. What do you want to discover, express, clarify, free?

  • What questions do you have? I am a mirror of yourself. Recognize.

  • Clarity of consciousness and remembrance of your true spiritual nature. See through the mental illusions and psychological entanglements and free yourself from them.

  • Liberate and re-experience the love of life.

  • To ignite in passionate love for your SELF

  • Developing the courage to overcome ego-limits and the joy of experimentation

  • Rediscovering trust in the flow of life, no matter what is happening on the outside.

  • Discovering the source of abundance within you and make it flow.

  • Learning to see the events of life from multidimensional perspectives.

  • Finding peace and trust in the connection to God.

  • Rediscovering the joy of play and the unbridled joy of creative expression.

  • Desire for the new and unknown.


About me

My life is the adventure journey of a woman who has sought nothing more ardently than
enlightenment and the source of unconditional love. Both have unfolded in me on very unusual
and adventurous paths through the devotion to life itself
and the clear and very determined intention to use all situations and experiences of my life for
inner transformation. I can show you how to do that.

I always wanted only one thing: to live authentically and freely: full of joy, love, fulfillment, truth, clarity and prosperity. This has led to a deep all-encompassing love, a love that has no opposite, but only a very deep, unconditional YES to what is. ... and to a lot of laughter and humor!

The pearls of this spiritual awareness and the wisdom of a full creative and adventurous life I would like to share with other people to support and accompany them on their path of self-knowledge.

Corinna Lehming


Creative Joy Coaching & Consulting fee

Price according to personal agreement. My intention is to bring the creative impulse between us to flow and to activate new, creative fields. We are the creators of our reality, I cordially invite you to participate.

Creative Joy Coaching & Consulting for Heart, Soul and Business

You are looking for:


creating your life uniquely creative and authentic in alignment with the colors of your soul. I am offering fresh and creative as well as spiritually deep & nourishing, enriching answers, insights, findings, information, knowledge and wisdom directly from divine source and rich human experience for the concrete and authentic unfolding of your soul as well as your business. I offer multidimensional creative information as well as fresh and vibrant connections in many ways.


If you wish, I can also connect you with valuable new contacts and connections to other wonderful people who can meaningfully complement or enrich you and your projects. Let’s talk.

Für dich
Über mich
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